Monday, June 3, 2013

VBS Part 2

VBS was four days of pure joy, bringing Jesus and happiness to the children from the neighborhood around Mizpah Christian Fellowship.  We’d like to share more images and experiences (Yes there are a lot of photos, but a lot happened!):

Sharon Kinzie and Dr. Sujatha lead "Father Abraham"

The Mizpah Children’s Ministry Team had their own familiar fun songs from the ongoing Nile Project.  Their dedicated people tutor and feed 75 children for five days a week and have 
developed a tremendous 
Fun Songs led by the Mizpah Team

rapport with them.  The children and their friends--Hindu, Muslim and Christian--flocked to the church.  We had about 100 total who heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  A Muslim mother and her co-workers in the garment factory next door stood out on their balcony during lunch break and listened....

Through stories, songs, crafts and games—all keyed to colors—we presented the Gospel in a memorable way, giving children the tools to witness to their peers by the fourth day.

God want to give us Crowns of Gold
Day One was Gold Day—teaching about the One True God, the King of Heaven, and how He wants us to be His children.

Albert Helping to Fit the Crowns

Day Two was Black Day—explaining about how our sin separated us from God.  But He loves us even when we are bad, and He had a plan…

Stomping Out Sin in our Lives

Scratching Off Sin to Reveal the Beauty Jesus has given us...

Day Three was Red and White Day—God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to bring us back to God through His shed blood.  We are made pure from sin if we ask Him into our hearts, and can live with God in heaven.

Free Gifts Symbolizing the Free Gift of Christ's Salvation

Cindy May passing out Light Sticks--Jesus is the Light of the World

Day Four was Green Day—Growing in Christ by obeying God, praying to Him, reading His Word, and going to church.  Albert's compelling presentation of the story of Jonah taught 

Alice Stringing Gospel Beads with Uma and Sweeti
the principles of obedience to God and Christian love for your enemies.  The craft was stringing bead bracelets and necklaces--in the color sequence. They knew it perfectly by now!  So, each child can answer questions about their beads and present the story of Jesus to their friends.
Pastor Babu and Dr Sujatha

The children of India are always a blessing to us, and so were the people of Mizpah Christian Fellowship.  Pastor Babu, Dr. Suji and their Team have become dear friends.  God willing, we will be back with them next year.  God's heart yearns for His children.  We are here to help them know Him.

More random images to enjoy:

Cooweesta always connects with the children!

Mattie and Len Walker Serving Lunch--We all shared rice and curry--even eating with our hands!!  (Most of us...)

Mattie with a Child--Len was taking photos...

Karen May sharing Christ's Love

And as a Grand Finale, the women of the Mizpah Team did an Interpretive Dance for us, complete with a huge silky Indian flag.  The haunting melody moved me to tears....
"Pray for India!  Pray for India!  Pray for Indiaaaah!'

The Women of Mizpah Interpretive Dance:  "Pray for India!"

Just a taste of what God is doing across His world!  Pray about how YOU can be an integral part of it!  Dare to do it...    

(Then we visited a Leper Colony to see where some of our VBS children lived...check out our next blog.)

---Alice Sharrock


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