Friday, June 7, 2013

Last Day of Our Trip

The Team flies out today from Kolkata, Russ & I tomorrow.  The blessings will continue, the seeds we and our national brothers/sisters have sown will be watered, and God will give the increase. 

Unfortunately, as most missionary prayer partners are aware, opposition can be violent and life-threatening or at least ministry-threatening, and so we have been asked not to post all those cute and wonderful photos from the village VBS.  Soooo, if you want more details, sign up for our email updates on our website    We will send out an email synopsis of our 3+ month trip by the end of June. 

God has opened many new doors to ministries that have invited us to join their evangelism outreach this trip—from the mountains to the sea, from tiny rural villages to inner cities.  Some leaders only knew us from hearsay…and we have become brothers and sisters in Christ.  The journey was very hard and often primitive, but we are not here for a vacation. 

End of this Chapter, but not of The Book!
Since I’m an artist, it is painful to not be able to tell the story with photos!  Well, maybe just one that can’t be pinpointed…to symbolize the sun setting on this trip to India.  We pray that God will keep using us in the days ahead.

This year’s Team thoroughly enjoyed the ministry here and we had a great time together.  India is not easy: Russ and I often had no electricity or internet; we were hot and sweaty and tired; showers and laundry were done with a bucket from the local hand pump, but the blessings are worth it:  To see a hungry child’s face light up, to hug an elderly widow, to give a fresh water well to a thirsty village, to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and see hands raised in acceptance…May His Name continue to be glorified among the nations!

--Alice Sharrock

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