Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why a Short Term Mission Trip?

I'd like to start with the words of Jesus, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

The key question introduced by Acts 1:8 is this: By what criteria should any person, anywhere, be denied  the right to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ?

The Bible points out that Jesus intends for a church to witness concerning Him in its local area, in the state, in the country, and in the entire world at the same time. It seems impossible, but through your giving to your local church and to organizations like AIM this can be accomplished.

So, why go on short term mission trips? Going to both domestic and international areas of ministry are of great value to both the volunteers, and to those to whom they are ministering. Going on short term mission    trips assist the indigenous workers to evangelize their people and plant new churches among them.

As a result, volunteers learn to pray intently for missions, to give generously to missions, and to witness more effectively at home.

Lets look at a few personal qualifications of volunteers:
  • A sense of call to go
  • Attitude of servanthood and flexibility 
  • Willingness to maintain unity in the team
  • Good health
  • Healthy spiritual disciplines of Bible study, prayer, and obedience
  • Absence of any addictive habits such as drugs, tobacco or alcohol
  • Minimum of Sixteen yrs old
These are the guidelines AIM goes by when reviewing applications. There are several mission trips scheduled for 2011. Go to our Website now to view available opportunities to serve.

A team is heading out for India tomorrow and we would appreciate your prayers. Go to the AIM Blog and follow along as we seek minister to the people of India.

Prayer Points:
Pray that many will be receptive to the gospel
Pray as we minister to the widows and lepers both spiritually and physically
Pray that many will give to complete the new Children's Home.

Praise the Lord, we have already raised 26% of the needed funds. Phase 1 is started and almost complete, and we hope to start Phase 2 after the first of the year. If you would like to give toward completion of the new Home please go here to Donate Now.

All gifts are tax-deductible and are used 100% as designated

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pray First

How's your prayer life? Ouch--that can be a painful question. If you're like me, your prayer life is probably not quite where it should be. Yet most of us would agree that prayer is powerful and important. So today, I want to discuss two prayer issues I've noticed in my own life. First is perspective and the second is order.

When Alice and I first began going to India, we would work hard preparing for ministry activities during our stay there, and then praying that God would bless this effort, that He would do a mighty work. We would ask God to, "Please bring the people to the meetings, and open their hearts to the gospel. Sincere? Absolutely. Effective? Probably not as much as it could have been.

For years we would ask God to guide our planning and then bless the outcome.We would do the work and ask God to add the power. But I don't believe that is what He meant when He said, "I will be with you." In reality, God is way ahead of us, preparing the way for us. We are to join His activity, what He is already doing. It's not our work, but His and we need to discover His presence in it and try to help others see Him as well.

Now let's look at the issue of order. The other day someone asked me about a purchase for AIM. I immediately responded with my thoughts on the subject, and then that night I took some time to pray about it. That has pretty much been the pattern in my life-act, then pray. It's a difficult habit to break.

I can easily get caught up trying to influence a situation first through my words, my actions, or my money. Then, I often add prayer to empower the action. But that is the opposite of what needs to happen. Prayer must always come first. Prayer must pave the way, and shape the thoughts and actions to that of my Lord. Prayer must lead, then actions, words, and money must follow.

We need to stop adding prayer to our activity and instead add activity to our prayers. This is the only way we can hope to penetrate the unreached for the sake of the kingdom.

Prayer Points: 
Keep us in your prayers as we head out to India this week.
Pray for safety
Pray for God's direction for the ministry
Pray for completion of the new Children's Home
Pray that the children brought into the home will make the adjustment smoothly and will be open to the love of Christ in their lives

This week's unreached people group
Ad Dharmi of India
Population: 1,164,000
World Pop: 1,164,000
Main Language: Panjabi, Eastern
Main Religion: Hinduism
Bible: Complete
Status: Least-Reached
Christ-Followers: Few, less than 2%
Courtesy of

 For the first time we will be blogging our trip to India as computer access allows. If you would like to follow what God is doing in India go to Mission India and feel free to comment or ask questions. We would love to hear from you.

If you would like to help fund Phase 2 of the new Children's Home please go Here Now to donate. You can also help bring positive change and hope to an abandoned child by going Here Now to sponsor a little one for only $30 a month. 100% of the sponsorship amount goes directly for the child. 

All gifts are tax-deductible and are used 100% as designated