Friday, February 8, 2013

Giving Thanks Where Thanks is Due

This year marks our tenth anniversary serving the people of India. The memories of the people, and the things that God used to shape us while there, are as fresh as the day we first arrived in Andhra Pradesh. There are times when something will trigger a memory that will bring sadness or joy to my heart. God has accomplished so much during these years.

There is a young lady named Mani who captured our hearts and we have grown to love. She had a disability from polio where her left hand had been rendered useless. She may never receive a marriage proposal, yet it never defeated her. We have watched her grow into a beautiful young lady, and she has never slowed down or allowed her disability to stop her from accomplishing the things she wanted to do. 

We have watched young pastors grow and mature in their faith and ministry, as they continue to carry the good news of Jesus Christ to their people, regardless of the obstacles.

I’m sure each of you have your own experiences and people that God has given you. They are like precious pearls of great worth, for they have great value to you. God used them to make you who you are today. And as you continue on in the journey of this life God has called you to join Him in, He will give you many more.

Today, I want you to reflect on the goodness of the Lord. Find a quiet place and just reflect on the people and the experiences that He has given you to bring to this place. Give Him praise and let the tears of joy flow. Shout thanksgivings to Him, and may today  be a day gratitude and praise to the Lord.   


"O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise." (Psalm 51:15) 

Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated


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