Monday, February 4, 2013

Exciting New Ministry!

Large segments of India’s urban slum and rural tribal populations do not have access to safe and reliable healthcare. The following statistics indicate the severity of India’s situation: 

-Over 600,000 children die each yr due to pneumonia & diarrhea
-130,000 cases of leprosy diagnosed each year
-50% of world’s cases of leprosy found in India
-Only 38% of India's children below the age of 2 years are immunized.
-One in every 100 children in India between age group of 0-14 years suffers   
 from acute  respiratory infection.
-Almost one in every five children in India below the age of 14 suffers from diarrhea.
-58% of India's children below the age of 2 years are not fully vaccinated. And 24% of
  these children do not receive any form of vaccination.
Asia International Mission has prayerfully voted to begin a new medical ministry in Bangalore, India
to bring medical assistance to these under-resourced populations through a new medical clinic and an ongoing mobile medical ministry. Mobile vans are optimal delivery tools as they can reach all corners of a slum community and can travel the vast distances to support tribal villages.

By bringing healthcare to their doorstep, AIM wants to ensure that the greatest number of patients is served without hindering daily livelihood. The medical teams traveling on these vans will treat primary health conditions and dispense free medicines to care for both acute and chronic disease.

Patients, based on their lifestyle, history and current complaints, will be screened for parasitic infections, chronic diseases and asymptomatic conditions like hypertension and diabetes. Regular de-worming medicines can be provided to patients with parasitic infections to prevent anemia, and nutritional supplements given to those that demonstrate severe malnourishment.

Asia International Mission is working hard to bring decent medical care to children, families and communities affected by poverty. Whether your gift meets the most basic medical needs of children, or helps keep mobile clinic stocked and running, you can feel confident that your gift is providing care where it isn’t otherwise available.

Please prayerfully consider partnering in this new outreach. Your gift will change and improve the life of a child or adult through proper care, and an opportunity to hear of the hope and healing power of Jesus Christ.

Please go HERE to donate now. Or you may send a check to:
                                                                               PO Box 1597
                                                                               Stillwater, OK 74076

Make sure to write medical ministry on the memo line.


Prayer Request

Adivasi tribal Christians in the village of Tamsai--in the state of Orissa--gathered for a worship service at the Yehovah Nisih Prayer Church were attacked by a group of about 20 Hindu radicals who shouted, “there is no place for worship meetings in the village for Christians!”

Church member Bharat Patel said his left ear was injured, and that three other members suffered injuries, one of them a severe cut on the head. The hour-long assault ended when area Christian leaders intervened and took the victims to the police to report the incident.

Please pray that God would change the hearts of the Hindus extremists, safety for the congregation, and the healing of the injured people. 

Pray for the Unreached Bedar, Hindu of India 
Population: 17,000
World Pop: 17,000
Main Language: Panjabi, Eastern
Main Religion: Hinduism
Bible: Complete
Status: Least-Reached
Christ-Followers: Few, less than 2%

Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated

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