Friday, July 13, 2012

Psalm 67

After reading the 63rd Psalm the other day, I was struck with how clear the application was to our going to the nations. I believe that a clear understanding of this Psalm should motivate us to GO! Not just go to church, or even go on a mission trip. We should be motivated by this Psalm to go to that place of servant sacrifice we all know we should go.

Being a servant is what we saw in the model of Jesus' earthly ministry. He went to the hurting, hopeless and helpless. Jesus spent His time on the earth ministering to those who needed hope the most. At the same time he invested His intimate time with the twelve men closest to Him. If I believe this model to be accurate about Jesus' life, then I should seek to follow this example in my own faith journey...right? If so, then how should I follow?

In Mark 1:17 Jesus spoke to His disciples and said, “Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men.” Where did Jesus go? But, more to the point, where is He going now? Jesus is in the slums of Kolkata, India, among the street children and forgotten orphans of that city. Jesus is in the dump in Vijayawada among the desperate families surviving on less than $2 a day. Jesus is in the villages of northern India among the thousands of rural people seeking truth in a god who will never answer.

Jesus is among the indigenous people of each region who are looking for a Savior whose name they have never heard. Jesus is all over this globe among the desperate, forgotten, impoverished people groups.

If I am to "follow" then I must go where Jesus is! In the words of an old Gospel song written by Kirk Talley,
"It’s time we, the people, stand up for what is right
It’s time we squared our shoulders back and raised our swords to fight
For the Bible is my weapon and the Spirit is my shield
The Church needs more of its members to be workers in the field"

Many of us have never even shared one-on-one with another person the Good News of Jesus. It is time you as a follower of Jesus follow Him into the field and serve the world in which we have been planted. This will require sacrifice! Jesus taught us to serve and to sacrifice. He not only showed us how to live and how to die, but He showed us how to live again! 

It is time we sacrifice our comfort for the cross! It is time we give up our plenty for His power. We must sacrifice our excess for their eternity! Psalm 67 teaches us our abundance is provided by the Father so that His ways will be made known and His salvation will be shared with all!

The eternal opportunity of the world is literally within our own check books! There’s an old saying that says, “You can tell where someone’s heart is by looking at their checkbook.”  Are we really living within the necessary level of our provision and sharing the rest of what the Lord provides for the sake of eternity around the world?

Can we really call it sacrifice when so much is gained by our giving? Jesus taught us the value of laying down our lives, everything we have for the sake of those who need what we have to give! How then will we lay down our lives for the sake of those whom He has entrusted into our hands? How will we show the eternal significance of the Savior of the world? How can we serve the world by going to the places where Jesus is and following Him? Or should we ask, how will we go?

Many opportunities are available for you to join a ministry, a missionary, a church planter, a team, a church. It is not a question of whether or not there is opportunity. The question is will you go right now? In your heart will you commit to allow the Father to guide you and carry you to the slums, the dump, the hills, the valley, the village, the city streets, and the house across the street? Will you commit today and take action on that commitment?

We have been blessed beyond what we need for the purpose of carrying the Gospel to people all over the globe who need to hear of His judgment and His grace. Come, and join us as we walk into the field and become His hands and His feet! Go! 


"Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all." ~Isaac Watts


Prayers Requests
Pray for our India ministry partners as together we seek to save the least and the lost by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pray for openings to speak in many churches and mission groups.
Pray national ministries that help starving children, and people left helpless due to debilitating diseases like malaria and AIDS.

     Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated

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