Friday, July 20, 2012

Jesus Calls Us to Reach Out

"As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. Jesus did not let him, but said, 'Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.' So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed." (Mark 5:18-20)

It’s natural for us to try at something, fail, and then try again until we slowly perfect a skill. Think about the baby who is attempting their first step, or a teenager learning to drive in a mall parking lot. There is great satisfaction in sharpening our ability, and then completing it with increasing skill.

The same is true of our outreach efforts. When we find an opportunity to reach out, we develop the skill and then experience the joy of cooking at the soup kitchen or using puppets for Sunday school.

But Jesus didn’t only speak the truth and touch the lives of those around Him. He mobilized others to do the same. In this passage, the easy thing would have been to invite the healed man along with Jesus. Instead, Jesus challenged the man to go out and reach those whom he knew. And he did!

Pastor Babu
I would like to introduce to you one of Aim’s newest ministry partners, Pastor Babu. Located in the state of Karnataka, India, he felt the challenge of Jesus to go out and reach those whom he knew. And he did! He has started a program called the Nile Project to reach out to the poor children of Bangalore.

The project was named for the story in the Bible of Moses being rescued from the Nile River by the Pharaoh’s daughter. Pastor Babu believes God has called him to rescue the destitute and uncared for children from the streets of his city. These children come from the lowest strata of society with either single mothers or no parents at all.

Brother Babu provides one good quality meal each day, five days a week, year round. At Christmas he purchases one new set of clothes and at the beginning of the school year he provides them with a new school uniform. Not only are they fed and clothed, but the staff helps them with homework and has Bible study time. Presently, they are caring for 75-100 children.

When you consider your opportunities for service, how do you balance the joy of serving directly with the power of mobilizing others? This is a critical element of our service. Next time you go to set up for that outreach event or run the sound equipment, ask yourself who you can take along.

If you would like to help Pastor Babu save these children from a life of hopelessness by providing quality meals, encouraging them in their education, the purchase of new clothes, and being an example of the love of Christ, then please Click Here now to partner with us.


“Evangelism is the unrelenting responsibility of every person who belongs to the company of Jesus.” -Elton Trueblood 


Prayer Requests
Pray for openings to speak in many churches and mission groups.
Pray that many would give to the Bible fund so that we can provide Bibles to all who want them.
Pray for funds for AIM’s many projects.

For this latest mission trip we had a last minute donation of $1000 for Bibles. We thank God for this person's desire to see the Word of God put into the hands of those who could otherwise not afford one.
Our Board voted last night to partner with two new ministries, Pastor Babu in Bangalore, and Pastor Paresh in Kolkata. Two very Godly men with a big vision, and a desire to see their people come to know the One True God. We thank the Lord for His guidance and wisdom in this decision.
I also want to thank the Lord for the increase in donations this year. He is the great provider.


  Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated

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