Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Team Dynamics

We often forget that Jesus, in His Gethsemane prayer, recorded in John 17, twice linked the unity of believers with global outreach: "that all of them may be one … so that the world may believe" (John 17:21-23). Jesus was praying for the church universal through the ages. We, as a local application of his prayer, work with the local church. What does this unity look like?

Practically speaking, this unity that leads to belief should be demonstrated through our short-term mission teams. If the team operates as a community, demonstrates forgiveness, and works in unity, the impact for communicating the gospel is much greater. But functioning effectively as a team does not just happen; it requires work and intentional preparation.

On a short-term mission trip, we bring together diverse individuals (who also happen to be fallen sinners), tire them out with travel and jet-lag adjustments, house them in unfamiliar (and sometimes uncomfortable) surroundings, feed them exotic foods, and encourage them to live outside their comfort zones. Combine these ingredients and you have a recipe for conflict, hurt feelings, and general team dysfunction.

Preparing the short-term mission team should include training on living in community, teaching on how to forgive, and illustrations on how to have (and resolve) conflict constructively.

Please feel free to comment on this post, and if you would like more information on AIM’s mission trips you can call us at 405.762.2471, or click Here for an application.


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One of the greatest ways that you can help Asia International Mission fulfill our mission is by spreading the word about what we do. It’s amazing what God can do when we’re willing to share what He’s doing in us. If you’ve been moved by the ministry of AIM, tell someone about it.

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Prayer Requests

Pray for the safety of Christians that they may be able to gather in peace to encourage one another.
Pray that God would protect Christians from the many natural disasters that frequently hit this area of the world.
Pray that governments will not interfere with ministries that are planning strategic outreaches.

 Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated

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