Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Keep Hearing Her Knock

Stopped in the crowed streets of Hyderabad, a woman came over to the car and began knocking on my window. I tried to stare straight ahead as if I didn't see her, only to have my attention grabbed by  a great sea of humanity in despair as they were pressing in on one another trying to make their way to some predetermined designation.

Others were motionless, lying on the street. The more fortunate ones lived under a sheet of plastic. Most were Hindus who follow one or more of the 300 million gods of their religion. Like a magnet my eyes were drawn back to the knocking on my window. I didn't know the language of the crying lady, but it wasn't hard to translate her facial expressions. Her eyes said it all--no hope. Clutching her hungry child, this poor Indian woman was desperately crying for help, for food, compassion; for someone to care. For an instant I saw the pain and lostness of all humanity in the face of one woman. I was also brought face-to-face with the wickedness of my own heart.

There are times when I hear myself grumbling about trivial things. For example, while in India I stayed in very modest quarters. I slept on an air mattress on the floor that had difficulty holding air; constantly fighting mosquitoes that were excitedly looking for an opportunity to feast on my blood; taking cold showers, and using a toilet that was nothing more than a porcelain hole in the ground. Yet, even in these conditions I was greatly blessed and having no reason to complain.

This woman had no bed, no food, no clean water to bathe in or drink, no protection and no Savior. Even in my worse condition I was rich. God is not allowing me to forget; I keep hearing her knocking and pleading. Maybe that mental picture will spur me on to be a more gracious, grateful, and loving person. Time is short; not much time left to get it right.


Ways You Can Help Asia International Mission
1. Invite our President, Russ Sharrock, to speak in your church about AIM.  
2. Give toward our various projects, such as the Children's Home for abandoned and orphaned children, 
    Water Wells, Bible distribution, Evangelistic campaigns, Widows Fund, Lepers Fund, etc.
3. Share information about our ministry with your Missions committee or Bible study group.
4. Sign up on our AIM Website for our E-newsletter to stay informed about mission trips, prayer requests,
    and various projects.
5. Sponsor your pastor to join an AIM mission trip, or even put together a church wide mission trip. Contact
    us for details.
6. Consider sponsoring Russ Sharrock with monthly support so that he may spend more time on the mission
    field. All staff are self-supported.
7. Give to the AIM General Fund. 100% of designated funds go toward the designation. Therefore, we rely 
    on special undesignated gifts to help fund administrative costs.

If you would like to help in the ministry of AIM as we seek to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to the hurting and lost of India, please go Here to donate now.


Prayer Requests
Pray for each of the men and women who faithfully serve the ministry on the front lines in India.
Pray that Indian Christians will demonstrate the power of the gospel through transformed relationships with their spouses, children, parents and close friends.
Pray for our ministry partners who deal with issues of bribery in their country. Ask that they would have wisdom and creativity to respond to the demands made of them.

Pray for the Unreached Ansari of India
Population: 9,384,000
World Popl: 15,148,000
Main Language: Urdu
Main Religion: Islam
Status: Least-Reached
Christ-Followers: Few, less than 2%

Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated

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