Friday, September 2, 2011

What Is a Missionary?

What is a missionary? I mean, really?

Is it a full-time minister to India?

Is it a nurse to Mongolia?

Is it a school teacher to the inner city?

It's hard to tell these days. I heard someone once make the statement that she wasn't a "real" missionary. She had been traveling on a short-term mission trip, sharing the message of Jesus Christ every single day. But she didn't consider herself a missionary. Not in the purest sense of the word. Why?

Because she wasn't like the missionaries of old she had heard about while growing up in church. Not like the nice people her family invited for potluck dinners. Not like the characters in the old missions books she read. Not a spiritual heroine (at least, not by her estimation).

I think she is wrong.

A missionary in the general sense of the word is defined as, "One who is sent on a mission." My definition of a Christian missionary is someone who joins God in His mission on earth. This is often referred to as the "missio Dei" or "mission of God." A missionary is a minister in the sense that every Christian is called to minister--that is, to be a servant to others.

A missionary is anyone called by God, which is everyone who calls themselves a Christian.

In other words, you are a missionary.

The Children's Home is well along it's way to completion. The brick walls will now be put in place along with the windows and doors. If you would like to help in the finishing of this work, please Donate Now however God is leading you.

Prayer Requests
That God will provide a new US office.
That God will continue to work mightily in the land of India. 
Please pray for God's grace day by day. Satan is working overtime to discourage all of us and to prevent the vital work of this and many other ministries working within India.   

Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated

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