Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Am I Surrendered to the Lord?

Does anyone question that self-will is the stronghold of the flesh, and that surrendering your will to God attacks the stronghold and is the act which the Spirit most desires and the flesh most resists?

If you believe this, then surrender and say, “God, here, I am. I give up all my plans, all my desires and hopes, and accept your will for my life. Whatever You want, take; wherever You would have me go; send; whatever You would have me surrender, reveal to me. I bend to Your will.”

Consider this challenge for you from Romans 12:1, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-- this is your spiritual act of worship.”

Surrender is fundamental to God filling us with His Holy Spirit. This surrender is a conscious act where we deliberately choose to yield all we are and all we have to Him.

Look deep in your heart and consider these questions: What have I held back from the Lord? What restrictions have I placed on what He can do in, and with, my life? The more absolutely you yield your time, talents, possessions, desires, and energy to Christ, the more you will know the fullness of His Spirit.

Will you allow yourself to surrender all to God now! Why not stop what your doing right now and tell God He may do in you, to you, and through you whatever He chooses. God is waiting for you.

--Russ Sharrock


Positions Available

If you are a retired person or just someone interested in using your talents to make a significant difference for eternity in India, you have an exciting opportunity.

AIM is looking for people with experience in web design, newsletter publishing, fundraising and marketing, and children's ministry to work with us in the US.

Are you dedicated to changing the world for Christ, no matter what the personal cost? Go HERE now for a job description and application. All positions require raising personal support.

Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c) (3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated 

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