Monday, December 10, 2012

There Is A Cost

"Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." (Luke 9:23)

The cost-benefit ratio of following God's lead and serving overseas is complex. Are there benefits? Absolutely! We can count abundant benefits to our family, our marriage, and our spiritual lives. There are many, many benefits to living a life of service, at home and overseas.

But, are there costs? Absolutely! There are, daily, painful, and difficult costs on our lives.

I think there is a cost anytime you follow God out of obedience. In scripture He calls it ”taking up our cross.” There is always a cost to following Christ.

The cross...although it brings innumerable painful and heavy. Although the costs of moving out of your home culture to serve alongside the Good Shepherd are unique, these costs are heavy.

This is the cost:
-not being there for the final moments of your parents life.
-missing your niece’s birth.
-having your young child ask you again, "Who is that person? What is his name?" And,
 he is referring to your brother, his uncle.
-missing those in-between years when nephews grow from babies to boys...boys to men.
-missing that graduation, that 50th birthday party and the Thanksgiving dinner.
-being forgotten, or instead, being so deeply missed that you are the source of someone's   
 pain. Which is better?
-raising kids that are not “normal.” And, they know it.
-not having that youth group, Grandma's mentoring, or that Christian friend for
 a young budding daughter.
-not having that exciting, vibrant worship service each week.
-not having a primary care doctor that knows you, has known your medical history or
 even your name.
-not being there when your best friend passes away.
This is the cost.          

Is it worth it? Of course it’s worth it! You know what He has asked of you. And, you know His will is for His glory and our best. You know the benefits.

So, of course it is worth it! “Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” (John 6:68)

The benefits most definitely outweigh the cost, Always! Where else are we to go?
But, there is a cost. And, there is a cross.
And, we must carry it. And, yes, there is a cost.


                                                                   Stop poverty from stealing a child’s potential

Poverty traps millions of children throughout India in a never-ending cycle. Hunger weakens them. Unsafe drinking water makes them sick. Missing out on an education keeps them from reaching their potential. 

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Pray for the Unreached Baria, Hindu of India
Population: 275,000
World Popl: 279,000
Main Language: Gujarati
Main Religion: Hinduism
Bible: Complete
Status: Least-Reached
Christ-Followers: Few, less than 2%

Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c) (3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated

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