Monday, September 24, 2012

Lessons From The Mission Field

How is it that in the West the church is not growing, but in many countries of Asia the church is rapidly growing through Church Planting Movements where entire regions are being transformed?

Village Worship

What have they learned that we need to apply? Will the Western church continue to decline in its influence on the surrounding culture, or will we learn the lessons from the mission field how churches can grow and multiply? I believe the future of the West may depend on it.

What is more important to God, what we know, or how much we obey what we know? In the West we think just learning some scripture is equal to maturity in Christ. We spend our time listening to sermons, going to Bible studies, or attending Bible College—all in the pursuit of knowledge. But how much of that knowledge is applied in obedience?  It’s not our knowledge, but our obedience that will change our life and transform the lives of others.

It’s a small percentage of believers that actually share their faith or disciple others, and fewer still plant new churches. Yet in Asian Church Planting Movements, the focus is on immediate obedience that leads to growth in Christ. As soon as someone makes a decision for Jesus, the person is taught to share their testimony and the gospel, and then obey by doing what they are taught. Whatever they learn they obediently apply by teaching it to others.

The expectation is that everyone has the potential to be a soul-winner, disciple maker, and church planter. We cannot leave the work of building God’s kingdom just to professionals.

Someone once said, “The best way to learn is to teach others.” In the West, too many times only the pastor or a few others actually learn from teaching. The rest of us are passive listeners who rarely remember or apply what we hear in church. Is it then surprising that the church in the West is stagnating?

George Barna has stated that only 19% of born-again believers had a biblical worldview based on foundational beliefs such as absolute truth, the accuracy of the Bible, the literal existence of Satan, salvation by grace alone, or the sinless nature of Jesus and God as the creator. Unless we want stagnant growth and a lack of sound doctrine, we must change the way we do church in the West.

Does it make any sense to spread our way of doing church? What do you think?


President Russ Sharrock and his wife Alice will be speaking at First Baptist Church in Black Rock, Arkansas on Sunday morning Oct 21st. If you’re in the area stop by and say hi. If you would like to host them at your church, Bible Study, or Home group just give us a call to schedule at 405-762-2471. We would love to meet you.

Pray for the Unreached Bania, Mahur of India
Population: 828,000
World Popl: 830,000
Main Language: Hindi
Main Religion: Hinduism
Bible: Complete
Status: Least-Reached
Christ-Followers: Few, less than 2%

Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated


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