Monday, July 2, 2012

What Is Our Mission?

In John 17:4, Jesus prayed to the Father, “I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.”  Jesus knew what the Father had called Him to do. But do we know what the Father has called us to do? 

There seems to be a great deal of confusion in the Church about what is, and what is not, the mission that God has given to us. And if the leaders are confused, then how can the average church member possibly understand what God has called us to do? The more ominous question is whether the Church as a whole has adopted the wrong mission and as a result we have not fulfilled what God has intended.

Does God just want us to get people saved and bound for heaven, or does He care about our lives in this world as well?

Is it fair to conclude that our efforts in the Church has been to stress getting as many people saved as possible and not to disciple new believers? We have held evangelism crusades in stadiums all over the world. Our churches gather the best speakers, musicians and programs, all designed to attract as many people as possible to the church so the pastors can present the gospel to the unsaved. All of these methods are centered upon “professional” leaders delivering the gospel message and not on equipping all believers to carry out the work of ministry.

Should the number of people who have prayed to receive Christ be our measure of success? Is this completing the work that God has given us to do? If so, then I believe we have adopted a very narrow view of what God wants from us. God wants us to grow in maturity; to become obedient followers of Jesus who are able to make disciples. Jesus wants us to fulfill His command to “make disciples of all nations.”

The church has largely bypassed the difficult work of disciple-making in favor of mass communication strategies. Discipleship starts out slow, but if done properly builds exponentially to encompass far more people than the mass strategies that may get people into the Kingdom quickly, but do not adequately disciple them. Discipleship harnesses the enormous power of all believers to be disciple makers not just the professionals.

All we have to do is open our eyes and look around to see that the Church in the West is losing the battle against the forces of humanism, secularism, atheism, etc. We live in the middle of a culture in decline. There are too few followers of Jesus who have been adequately discipled so they can be the agents of transformation within our culture and around the world. Either we will disciple the people of our churches or the world will. Right now in the West the world is winning.

We should strive to make our faith not just a once-a-week sermon experience, but a 24-hour-a-day walk with Jesus that impacts everything we do, regardless of our occupation. We need to be full-time disciples of Jesus; determined to bring glory to God in every aspect of their lives. In so doing, we will bring glory to the Father by beginning to complete the work He has given us to do.

Pass On the Vision

We continue to make progress in gathering new financial partners to support the work of Asia International Mission. We are asking for 1,000 of our readers to send in a gift of $100 or $15 a month to help support the work of AIM. We do appreciate larger and smaller donations which will also count towards reaching our goal of 1000 donors of $100.  These funds will enable us to support national ministries all over India. To donate now please Click Here. 


Persecuted Christians?

Hundreds of millions of Christians today suffer severe discrimination, imprisonment, torture, kidnappings, and even death… because they have decided to follow Jesus Christ.

Please pray for those such as  Pastor Manju Nath and two Christians identified only as Stella and Bhavani from the Indian Church of Christ who were distributing gospel tracts when Hindu extremists began shoving them and using foul language. They also seized money from them before calling police, who took the Christians to the Durgadabail police station. After having charges filed against them, they were released that evening due to the intervention of Christian leaders.

Pray for the Unreached Baloch, Eastern of India 
Population: 54,000
World Popl: 7,715,000
Main Language: Urdu
Main Religion: Islam
Bible: Complete
Status: Least-Reached
Christ-Followers: Few, less than 2%

                                 Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated

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