Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Sad Farewell

Our journey to India is quickly coming to an end. It has been an exciting experience seeing God work in so many ways, and in so many places unknown to us before this time.

On Monday we took a day off from dashing headlong into ministry from the moment we set foot on the sub-continent, and went to visit the home where Mother Teresa worked from during her time in India.

She was an amazing woman of tremendous character, and a deep, abiding love for Jesus and the Indian people. The fact that she served here for 68 years in some of the most oppressive poverty found anywhere in the world is a testament to her faith in the love and power of God.

When Mother Teresa made her first vows she said, "The greatest day of my life was that on which I became wholly Christ's." During her ministry in Kolkata, she  opened 168 homes, which included homes for the dying, lepers, and orphans, started a factory to give lepers a way to make a living, and won the Nobel prize.

I only pray that I may be as compassionate, and committed to God in my ministry as she.  

On Tuesday we traveled to a small village south of Kolkata where the paved road turned into a smaller paved road, which turned into a dirt road, which turned into a smaller dirt road, which became a path, that finally turned into a trail. An interesting ride to say the least.

Here, God had opened a door for Brother Paresh to begin a Sunday School class for the children of that village. The 70-100 children presently attending range in age from 5-15 yrs of age. The amazing thing is that he only began this ministry about two months ago, and already God has blessed it greatly. I have said many times before, the children are "The Jewels of India" and these children only provided further evidence of that sentiment.

Even in their dire poverty they found joy in singing and learning Bible stories. Albert immediately connected with a story from his life, continued into the story of the blind man Jesus healed, and on into a simple, but complete presentation of the gospel. We were excited to see so many adults gathered around the perimeter of the area soaking up all that Albert was teaching.

After we finished, many of the adults came to thank us for coming to their village. Please pray that the Word planted in their hearts that day will be used by the Holy Spirit to call them to a saving relationship with Jesus.

Tomorrow we head to the airport. It's always sad when we have to leave this place, and we pray that God would grant us the opportunity to return. Most of the time we feel we were blessed more than the people we intended to bless. But more than anything, we pray that God was able to use us to further His kingdom in this land. And that all we did  and said, brought glory and honor to Him, the One True, Almighty, Creator of the universe.



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