Monday, January 23, 2012

Indian Ministries Reach Out

William Carey would be astounded! When he went to India over 200 years ago there wasn't one indigenous Christian ministry in the whole country. Today there are over 3000 native ministries who are winning souls and planting churches among the 2548 people groups scattered throughout the vast subcontinent. 

These are the ministries Asia International Mission seeks to help as they distribute Bibles, operate children's homes, train pastors, provide clean water wells and medical care to the villages, and bring them the knowledge of a loving God. Because of the desperate poverty in the country, every ministry is pressed to the limit and desperately needs financial help.

Most of the evangelical churches in India are pitifully poor. Many are located in impoverished areas where more than 50% are unemployed, and those that do have jobs earn less than $2.00 per day. Although they give sacrificially of their insufficient earnings, the entire income of a village church is less than the income of a Christian family in America. And they must use it all to care for widows, orphans, lepers and disabled people, and the normal expenses of a church congregation.

That's why they need our help. AIM is asking people all over America to send missionary offerings that can be distributed among many different ministries throughout India to provide support to these ministries.


Please consider making a contribution
We are always grateful for your sacrificial gifts, and they are greatly appreciated, any amount.  I cannot adequately express how important this is to the people of India, and to our ministry.
From time-to-time your general donations help us meet our internal expenses. There are office expenses such as printing, stamps, etc, just to mention a few. Would you consider a special gift? It’s as easy as clicking Here.

Thank you for your help and God bless you!


Prayer Requests  
Pray for our India ministry partners as together we seek to save the least and the lost by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Please pray for the AIM’s Board of Directors as they seek God’s guidance overseeing the many ministries of AIM in India.
Pray for more contributors to commit to supporting the children at AIM sponsored children’s homes in India.
Pray for the Unreached  Bagdi, Wagdi of India 
Population: 324,000
World Popl: 324,000
Main Language: Hindi
Main Religion: Hinduism
Bible: Complete
Status: Least-Reached
Christ-Followers: Few, less than 2%

 Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry. 
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated

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