Friday, August 26, 2011

Staying Awake

Do you remember the all-time low in the history of intercession? Jesus asked His inner circle of disciples to to wait in the garden while He went a little farther to pour out His soul to the Father as He looked toward His imminent death on the cross.

Within minutes, the three disciples were sound asleep. He said to them, "What! Could you not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:40-41)

The Greek term for watch literally refers to staying awake. So essentially, Jesus was saying, "Couldn't you stay awake with me even one hour? Wake up and pray!"I cannot imagine the disappointment Jesus must have felt. As for the disciples, they were missing the action during one of the most important moments in biblical history.

I wonder how many times I have missed what God was doing because I dozed off when I should have moved forward on my knees to the front lines of the battle.

Our president, Russ Sharrock is doing well after having both of his legs amputated, and he is looking forward to returning to India in the Spring of 2012. Please keep him in your prayers.

The building of the Children's Home is coming along well, but we are only at about 2/3 of the funds needed. If you would like to help complete the new home you can
Donate Now

Prayer Requests
Pray the Lord will bring more youth and adults to get involved with international mission outreaches
Pray for the financial needs of the ministry  
Pray for a harvest of new believers in India

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