Sunday, November 7, 2010

Your Money and Missions

Dr. Mark Young of Dallas Theological Seminary once said, "Missions is a losing proposition." He was right. To reach out to people takes time, energy, and resources. But we obey the Great Commandment and the Great Commission when we do this. And when we obey, God acts upon it and then Missions becomes a winning proposition. Peoples lives are touched, they are comforted, empowered, and saved for God's glory.

Unfortunately, passion for evangelism and missions is not what it should be among Christians. They are distracted by the burdens and struggles of life. Activities at home and work leave little time for outreach, and less money for missions. And people rarely give sacrificially anymore. Thus, churches are forced to cut missions budgets.

Sometimes our giving is not really intentional and strategic. Consider that only about 5.6% of Christian's income goes to foreign missions. And only about 0.36% of this went to evangelizing the 2.7 billion people in the least evangelized part of the world.

If missions is the heartbeat of God, then why are we not obeying Him? One reason may be the tremendous financial bondage many Christians are living under. In 2001 only 37% of evangelical Christians tithed. If everyone paid tithes, billions would be available for God's agenda.

The solution is to obey God's teachings. We must recognize that God wants us to enjoy Him by setting us free from all bondage by obeying His Word. God owns everything. He gives us wealth to enjoy and share with others. But we are not the owners, just stewards.

In Luke 12:48 we are told that, "...from everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much will be asked." We are blessed so we can be a blessing to others, and to proclaim His salvation among the nations. (Ps 67:2) Are you obeying God with your finances? Do you give to your local church and world missions as an act of obedience? Not out of pressure or emotions, but with joy as a an act of love and submission.

You will never regret your decision made before God.

There are many ways you can help the ministry of AIM. Here are some of the ways you can help.

There is a tremendous need for Bibles:
Many people in India are too poor to afford more than one meal a day, no less purchase a Bible. For $100 you can supply 40 copies of the Bible.
New Children's Home:
We still need $35,000 to complete the new Children's Home that will house an additional 100 abandoned children.
It has been said that India is a two-wheeled society. Most people either walk, or if they can afford it, have a bicycle to get around. The average village church is very poor, so most pastors must walk everywhere they need to go. For only $125 you can supply a pastor with with a bicycle.
Water Wells:
One of the greatest physical needs of India is fresh water. Thousands die every year from diseases such as cholera 
Where Needed Most:
As you consider the best way to give to the work of Asia International Mission, please consider a gift to our "where needed most fund." Such a gift allows us the freedom to allocate funds to the areas of greatest need at any given time, and gives us the ability to plan ahead with confidence.

These are just some of the areas of need here at AIM. If you feel lead to contribute to one of these causes just go to our website to Donate Now

Be sure to check out our mission trips for the coming year

Prayer Points:
Pray for strength and wisdom for the pastors.
Pray that God will continue to work mightily through the land of India.
Pray for God's blessing and protection for our India partners

Pray for the Tanti, Hindu of India 
The Tanti people are found across the northeastern portion of India. They are said to have originated as weavers, providers of cloth, back in history as far as ancient Bengal. Not too long ago, virtually every home would have had a loom and cloth present. Today, much of their trade has been taken over by factory production and imported goods. They are considered among the lower castes of India.
Ministry Obstacles
The Tanti community speaks over 15 languages, residing in 30 states of India. Reaching them with the Gospel of Christ will require a multi-pronged approach.
Outreach Ideas
Several church planting projects will likely be needed to communicate with this widely dispersed community.
Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray for the few followers of Jesus among the Tanti people, that they will live a life worthy of the calling they have received, being patient, bearing with one another in love.
Pray for the entire people group
The Tanti community has a great need for clean water to help with sanitation issues. Since so much of this group is found in rural India, they do not have ready access either to sanitation or medical facilities. 
Scripture Focus
"I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples." Psalm 108:3

Country: India
10/40 Window: Yes
People Name: Tanti, Hindu
Population: 4,082,000
World Population: 4,272,000
Language: Bengali
Primary Religion: Hinduism
Progress Status:   Least-Reached
Christ Followers: Few, less than 2%
Bible: Complete
Jesus Film: Yes
Audio Recordings: Yes

Asia International Mission is a charitable organization, organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code, and it is eligible to receive tax deductible contributions. We will provide contributors with receipts for tax purposes.

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