Monday, August 23, 2010

Raising Support for Missionary Trips - Part 3

Back in 1998, God called my wife and I to short term missions in Alaska, which later became long term, but that's another story. I was petrified. Not because God wanted me to minister in a place so far north most companies charged international shipping rates, but because I was expected to raise my own support. I came from a self-reliant family, and the idea of asking anyone for money was very uncomfortable. I was sure I was not cutout for public relations.

A friend-- someone I will be forever indebted to--told me about a book called "People Raising" written by William P. Dillon.  In it he has an article by Curtis Kregness, who talks about several lessons he learned about raising support.

He explains how he realized that not only does God bless the giver, but through this process God also ministers to the one raising the support.  I'll try to summarize those lessons briefly for you.
Increased confidence in God and yourself
If you are like me, you have found public speaking to be a daunting task. Yet, I have found that God will encourage you, and give you confidence to present your ministry in a coherent and organize manner.
There will be times when you are asked to speak at a moments notice, or you only have 10 minutes to make a presentation. This forces you to "think on your feet" and learn to be concise.
This is probably the most difficult one for me. Sending out letters, leaving phone messages, having your car break down en route to a speaking engagement. All require a great deal of patience, wondering if they will respond or the mechanic will be able to get the car repaired on time.
Reevaluating your missionary call
Kregness states that, "most people think missionaries have it all together in terms of their call to missions. Not likely. Doubts do creep in occasionally and force you to rethink your sense of call. That is why a sustained study of God's Word and prayer is so critical to the mission. You need to be able to say that your commitment to God and His work in the world is not based on "feelings" or knowledge of the future, but on His continued faithfulness alone.
Self Discipline
Sometimes you wonder if you are really accomplishing anything. You ask yourself, "How do I measure success, or if I have reached any goals?" In times like this, scriptures like Hebrews 12:11 can be of comfort to you. "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." You may not realize it, but God will be developing your character.

Allow me to conclude with a quote from People Raising, "Many missionaries are their own worst problem when it comes to raising support. It all begins with their attitude and vision for support. Allow the process of raising support strengthen you. Permit God to go before you and open the doors to meet with people who will become partners in your ministry for Him."

Please pray:
For the persecuted church in India
For the children in the Home
For the indigenous pastors seeking to serve God among their people

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