Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Prayer Journey

Some of you may have heard me mention a new mission trip opportunity for next spring. March 3-12, 2011 will be the start of a yearly mission trip totally focused on prayer for India and its people. The week will be divided into two parts; the first will be growing and strengthening the prayer life of the team participant, and the second part will be praying for Tenali and the surrounding communities through an activity called Prayer walking. Prayer walking is "walking" with a purpose. And prayer is offered in faith that God is the hearer and answerer of prayer, and that He will fulfill His word, "Ask and it will be given to you..." (Matt 7:7)

In 1 Tim 2:1 Paul passes on this Biblical mandate to young Timothy, "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone..."

Prayer walking is intercessory prayer, which focuses on the needs and concerns of others. Some may ask, "Why can't we just pray at home?" Obviously the answer is "you can." God will hear and respond to your prayer just as readily at home as in the field. But "location" is very important to prayer walking. To pray while seeing, feeling, touching, and hearing is to pray with even more intensity. After the prayer journey is over, you will never pray about India the same way again.

So, please be praying about joining us on March 3-12, 2011 for a Prayer Journey to India. The cost is only $2000. Because the teams will be small there are not a large number of openings available. You can download an application from our website.

Prayer Points:
Pray for abandoned and orphaned children
Pray that the Gospel would prosper, even in the face of persecution.
Pray that national believers would grow in the knowledge of God’s word and boldly share it with others. 

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