I thought I would share this poem with you today. I don't even know its title, but I would like you to think about the message it has for us.
Walking through repeated days the sights become routine.
I no longer look around in awe,
Seeing the sin and darkness, beauty and wonder
In the souls that wander across my path.
My mind filters out those around me as I think about my day
And I miss the glory next to me,
Which might penetrate my soul if I would only lift my eyes…
I no longer look around in awe,
Seeing the sin and darkness, beauty and wonder
In the souls that wander across my path.
My mind filters out those around me as I think about my day
And I miss the glory next to me,
Which might penetrate my soul if I would only lift my eyes…
Stop. Look. Ponder what is nearest.
A brilliant red sari drying in the wind declares the glory of God.
A kite, struggling to free itself from the captivity of its string
Breaks away in flight, only to become prisoner in the arms of a tree
And reminds me of the futility of human effort in redemption.
A brilliant red sari drying in the wind declares the glory of God.
A kite, struggling to free itself from the captivity of its string
Breaks away in flight, only to become prisoner in the arms of a tree
And reminds me of the futility of human effort in redemption.
A young man bathing in the cold winter air,
Frantically scrubbing away yesterday’s sin.
Warm chai steaming in an old man’s face
As he huddles with his cronies to speak of things mundane and sublime.
Having lived life they’ve lost hope in their own righteousness
And come together for reassurance more than warmth and chai.
Frantically scrubbing away yesterday’s sin.
Warm chai steaming in an old man’s face
As he huddles with his cronies to speak of things mundane and sublime.
Having lived life they’ve lost hope in their own righteousness
And come together for reassurance more than warmth and chai.
People living on the streets—
Not much different from those living in temples of materialism and comfort.
They are in the end, people
Living without hope and an emptiness of soul that remains
Even if the gnawing hunger of their bellies is satisfied.
Not much different from those living in temples of materialism and comfort.
They are in the end, people
Living without hope and an emptiness of soul that remains
Even if the gnawing hunger of their bellies is satisfied.
A beggar reaches out and calls my name.
Do I see the face of Christ?
But time is money. I’m late. What’s next today?
One more interruption and I am impatient.
Stop. Look. Listen to the Spirit.
I rush off to the tasks that help me feel important.
He bids me stay and engage this moment—
The least of these who is Christ to me.
Do I see the face of Christ?
But time is money. I’m late. What’s next today?
One more interruption and I am impatient.
Stop. Look. Listen to the Spirit.
I rush off to the tasks that help me feel important.
He bids me stay and engage this moment—
The least of these who is Christ to me.
In my city, Jesus wanders around in unlikely clothes,
And peers at me through unlikely eyes.
He speaks in unlikely places if I would only listen.
Where is He to be found?
And peers at me through unlikely eyes.
He speaks in unlikely places if I would only listen.
Where is He to be found?
I long to see Him and hear His voice.
Stop. Look. Ponder what is nearest.
He is all around me at every turn and has been all the time…
Stop. Look. Ponder what is nearest.
He is all around me at every turn and has been all the time…
"Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." (John 4:35)
Blankets for Lepers
Lepers live in colonies, or on the streets and have to beg
money for food. Fifty percent of all new cases of leprosy in the world are found in India. The lives of these people are
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Leper Colony--Bangalore |
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by providing food, clothing, and fresh water. Be the hands and feet of Jesus.
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IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
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