“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but
whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give
him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John
Jesus spoke these words while
sitting alongside a village well—and Alice and I
have seen firsthand the importance of the village well in India.
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New Well at Kondevaram |
Most of us in America take water for granted.
Just turn on the tap and there it is! But for 80% of India’s population, this basic life
necessity is a continual challenge. Village wells may dry up—especially during
drought season before the monsoon arrives.
It is not unusual for families to walk several miles just to find water
for their household needs. The water
they do find is often stagnant and polluted. The people drink regularly from
lakes, ponds, rivers, and canals—the same water used for bathing, laundry,
watering cattle and drainage.
As a result, more than 1.8 million children under the age of
five die each year because of contaminated drinking water (WHO estimate.) In
fact, almost 80%f of all disease is
from this source, primarily cholera, typhoid, roundworms, hepatitis and
Fresh, clean water is the primary health need worldwide. Water
is the basis of life. Clean water elevates the health and productivity of
families, children and communities. Easily available water
improves the lives of rural women, who often spend 4 or more hours each
day carrying water on their heads or shoulders.
In Andhra Pradesh alone, there are over 3,000 villages without a water
source! No wonder the struggle to rise
out of the endless cycle of poverty and disease becomes a virtual
Asia International Mission believes that the Gospel of Jesus
must be shown in both word and deed. Your gift of a well through AIM is for
people of all castes. It supplies clean water
all day, every day for the needs of an entire village—truly a gift that keeps
on giving.
Yet compassion for the desperate physical need of water is
not our primary goal. Remember the whole
story in the fourth chapter of John’s gospel? A woman coming for water heard about
the Water of Life from the Messiah, believed in Him, and virtually the whole
village came to Christ. This is our purpose!
The village well in India is the gathering place for
women each morning and evening, (Which is why the outcast Samaritan woman came
at noon…) Greetings and gossip are exchanged. News of the day flies from mouth
to mouth and family to family.In many cases menservants from upper caste households are
there also, as well as children sent by their parents.
When AIM drills a well, we usually place it next to the
village church. When it becomes known
The pastor and his wife now have the opportunity to engage the villagers
daily and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The well we bored this April in Kondevaram village has already brought 5
new believers into the Kingdom and the new local church!
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A Servant's Heart |
In the coming year we have set our sights on the largest
goal ever for this outreach—500 wells. Each well, with your help, will be a
life-changing blessing to families and entire villages—and a wellspring for
spreading the Gospel. Whether it’s in the mountains or the coastal plains of India,
the cost of drilling a new well can vary from $500-$5000.
You can help AIM bring a life-saving freshwater well to a village
in India.
Every dollar helps us toward the goal. Please,
partner with us today!
If you are mailing your donation to the "Water of Life Fund"
please send to:
Asia International Mission
PO Box
OK 74076
Donations can also be received using a credit card. You can
securely donate by simply clicking the donate button now!
Thank you for your generosity, and may God bless you
—Russ Sharrock
Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c) (3)
non-profit ministry.
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are
used as designated