“Without the Bible, world evangelization would not only be
impossible, but actually inconceivable,” --John R.W. Stott.
The Bible is the only book in the world that tells us how
our sins can be forgiven, and the name we must call upon for salvation. It is
our light in darkness, our comfort in sorrow and our guide in following Christ.
It is our courage, strength and everything we will ever need to safely reach
our Father's home. And here at Asia International Mission, we affirm that
truth, and testify that there is no tool for world evangelization that works
quite as well as the printed Word of God.
Bibles for the Children of the Nile Project |
India has a great need for Bibles. Though they love
the Lord and delight in serving Him, many of them can’t afford to buy Bibles.
The price of a Bible in their language is equivalent to about 3 day's wages for
many workers in the villages and rural areas, some of whom already have a hard
time feeding their families.
There was a report some time ago published by Mission Network News about the situation in the state of Odisha. Because of the violence that happened back in 2008, the distribution of Bibles has been made difficult, if not impossible in some areas of the state. There has been a group of Hindu Nationalists fighting against the conversion of the people to Christianity, and the handing out of the scriptures, supported by the nationalistic political party called the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party).
Because of this, distributing Bibles will have to be done a little more quietly than was
previously done. Many villager believers have been forced to stand by as their houses and possessions were burned, including their Bibles. Outside distributors are being chased away now, so the only people
that can accomplish this are those native to the area. These
missionaries are doing what they can, but they have been beaten,
tortured and
even killed for their work.
Distributing Bibles in a Dalit Village |
According to the World Bible Translation Center, "There has never been
a time like this in Odisha, and even in other parts of India,” The
request for Bibles has been overwhelming. People at the relief camps do not have even a single
copy of the Bible. To remedy this problem, many house church
members are sneaking Bibles into relief camps for those who have lost their
homes, so they can be encouraged by the Word even in light of persecution.
C.S. Lewis once said, "I believe in Christianity as I
believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I
see everything else."
As a Christian, this statement rings true in my life. The
Bible tells us,
"Your word is a
lamp to my feet and a light for my path." (Psalm 119:105) God's
word (the Bible) illuminates our lives; making life so much brighter. We
are able to see because of His word, and to know because of His word.
That is just one of the many reasons why it is so important
to make sure the persecuted church has His Word.
And our brothers and sisters are grateful for God's word. Their Bible is their
most valuable possession. With all the turmoil and pain
they are going through, His word can light their path, and illumine everything
in their lives, and encourage them to stand strong despite the persecution.
Bible Distribution in a Village in Odisha |
Please pray that the Lord would continue to allow
more opportunities to deliver His word to these believers.
You can reach India from where you are with the Good
News. Take the first step today to put a Bible in the hands of a family in India
It's only $3.50 for a complete Bible in their language. Only $35 will purchase 10 Bibles, and 50 Bibles can be purchased for only $175.
Will you take the first step
---Russ Sharrock
Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated