There is a story told about a man who visited a quarry. "What are you doing?" he asked one of the workers there. The man replied, "Can't you see? I'm chiseling stone." Another stone cutter was asked, "What are you doing?" He replied, "Just making a living." And a third man was asked, "What are you doing?" He said, "I'm buiding a great cathedral."
On the surface, each of the workman was doing the same thing. Underneath, they had very different goals. We need to see our lives from a different perspective.
You're involved at home with children. What are you doing? Washing diapers? Caring for your family? Trying to give them a better future than you had? Or raising up soldiers for Christ, world changers, future blessings to the nations? There are so many business people in the world who are burning out their lives and neglecting their families. For what? To build a business? To become "successful?"
Dr. Walter Frank tells of a businessman in the Midwest. On the wall in the lobby of his company there is a map of the world. Above the map it says, "The Great Commission is not an option, it is a command." On the map, there are 42 lights placed in strategic locations around the world. A visitor asked the businessman, "What does this mean?" He replied, "Each of these lights is a field representative. I'm out to change my world. This supports 42 missionaries. They are my field representatives."
What a difference could such a perspective make on the work we do? How differently would we approach our jobs, our families, our schools, and our churches?
What is God's purpose in you life? Are you going to merely try to be a "success" for yourself and keep the blessings with which God has blessed you, or are you going to give them away?
God's purpose throughout the Old and New Testament, and throughout all history is to raise people up, casting them down, and moving them from one part of the world to another. His purpose in your life is to make His name known, to reveal His glory, and to establish His kingdom among the nations.
Is that the purpose for which you will live your life?
"Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 10:39)
Prayer Requests
Pray that God will provide a new US office.

On the surface, each of the workman was doing the same thing. Underneath, they had very different goals. We need to see our lives from a different perspective.
You're involved at home with children. What are you doing? Washing diapers? Caring for your family? Trying to give them a better future than you had? Or raising up soldiers for Christ, world changers, future blessings to the nations? There are so many business people in the world who are burning out their lives and neglecting their families. For what? To build a business? To become "successful?"
Dr. Walter Frank tells of a businessman in the Midwest. On the wall in the lobby of his company there is a map of the world. Above the map it says, "The Great Commission is not an option, it is a command." On the map, there are 42 lights placed in strategic locations around the world. A visitor asked the businessman, "What does this mean?" He replied, "Each of these lights is a field representative. I'm out to change my world. This supports 42 missionaries. They are my field representatives."
What a difference could such a perspective make on the work we do? How differently would we approach our jobs, our families, our schools, and our churches?
What is God's purpose in you life? Are you going to merely try to be a "success" for yourself and keep the blessings with which God has blessed you, or are you going to give them away?
God's purpose throughout the Old and New Testament, and throughout all history is to raise people up, casting them down, and moving them from one part of the world to another. His purpose in your life is to make His name known, to reveal His glory, and to establish His kingdom among the nations.
Is that the purpose for which you will live your life?
"Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 10:39)
Please consider making a contribution
We are always grateful for your sacrificial gifts, and they are greatly appreciated in any amount. I cannot adequately express how important this is to our ministry.
From time-to-time your general donations help us meet our internal expenses. There are office expenses (printing, stamps, etc.), and bank wiring fees, just to mention a few. If you would like to donate now please go Here.
Thank you for your help and God bless you!
Prayer Requests
Pray that God will provide a new US office.
Pray that God will continue to work mightily in the land of India.
Pray for more sponsors to support and expand the work in India.
Pray for more sponsors to support and expand the work in India.
Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated