It is self-assessment time here at Asia International
Mission as we start off the New Year. Honestly answer the following questions:
My cell phone is never off or out of reach
Yes or No
My radio is always on whenever I am driving. Yes
or No
When I am home, the TV is on most of my waking hours. Yes or No
My personal internet time exceeds 2 hours a day. Yes or No
I have a Facebook page or Twitter acct that I check more
than once daily. Yes or No
If you answered Yes to at least 3 of the questions, perhaps
you need to think seriously about “shutting out the noise” of your life for 2013.
What are some common causes of your personal noise?
Obviously our advanced technology is a major culprit. These
time-saving devices seem to work the opposite way. While no one is suggesting a
return to the dark ages (before cell phones) and the minimizing of useful
technology, there is a need to make time for self-reflection and live (as
opposed to virtual) relationships.
Honestly, many of us pride ourselves in our busyness and
sacrificing our free time. Sadly, many of our churches add to the busyness with
constant activities. Maybe some of us are avoiding the quiet. The constant
“roar of the noise” gives us a good excuse for not examining our inner life and
taking stock of where we are with the Lord.
What are some helps in “shutting out the noise”?:
Turn off the Radio, TV, Computer, cell phone, or I Pad. (At
least for a short time).
Slow it down. Reduce the pace of life. Caution, this may
cost you a few $$, but the spiritual, emotional, and mental rewards will be
worth it.
Prioritize life. Don’t buy into the “quality time” myth with
your friends and family. Love is spelling
Q-U-A-N-T-I-T-Y. Avoid the nonstop vacations that you return
from exhausted.
Screen the news. Certainly stay informed of the hard news,
but Pop Culture? Do we really need daily updates on the lives and ordeals of
Brittney and Paris? Get away for a silent retreat. It might be for a weekend, a
day, or a half day and take only your Bible and journal, and listen to God
The world is trying its very best to conform us Christians
into the secular mold of worshipping technology and busyness. As we say no to
this pressure, we’ll see how God begins to transform us into His likeness.
"Therefore I urge you, brethren, by
the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice,
acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be
conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so
that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and
perfect." (Romans 12:1-2)
--Russ Sharrock

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