Many of you will read this blog and think to yourself, "well, there's poverty in this country too," and that's true, but I'm sure you have also heard the phrase, "It's all relative." According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the poverty level in this country is 15.1%. The U.S. Government has set the poverty level for 2012 at $23,050 for a family of four ($68.60 per day). That's $17.50 per person, per day.
Now for some perspective. In India, the government has set the poverty level at 35 Rupees per person, per day (.61 cents) in the villages, and 66 Rupees per person, per day ($1.16) in the cities. So, anyone earning less than that is considered to be under the poverty level, and the rate of poverty in India is at least 65%. How's that for perspective?
Kolkata (Calcutta), with it's population of 4.5 million, is recognized as one of the most poverty stricken cities on earth. It's difficult to come by exact figures, but estimates of the number of poor who are homeless and living on the streets is about two million. In some areas the homeless outnumber those living in homes--although "home" many times means nothing more than a shack or tent made of anything from cardboard and tin, to a tarp strung between four poles with some palm branches for walls. Also, there are an estimated 100,000 child laborers in Kolkata alone.
The constant din of cars and trucks blowing their horns, as well as the noise from the continual construction, makes the foul odor of all the stuff on the side of the streets and in any body of standing water, all the more overwhelming to the thousands who are trapped, living on the streets of Kolkata.
Living in the middle of all this in inescapable circumstances are many thousands of people who belong to a group known as "untouchables." The caste system mandates a hereditary social class which restricts education, employment opportunities, profession, property ownership, and every other aspect of life to these born "untouchable."
Living in such extreme poverty can, understandably, lead to a sense of hopelessness and despair. Next year, we plan to begin leading short-term volunteer teams to Kolkata, and I would like to challenge those of you with a servant's heart to make plans to help the suffering children of this city. Your time and talents are greatly needed to help the children, to sing songs with them, to show them someone cares, and most importantly, to love them to Jesus.
If you cannot go yourself, I challenge you to support AIM with your prayers and giving. Perhaps the Lord is laying on your heart these precious souls as they are trapped in the hopelessness and despair of Kolkata.
If you feel God is leading you to give financially to this ministry, click here to Donate Now.
If you are going to be in Oklahoma on August 4th, 2012, be sure to plan to attend this
years "Jewels of India" Fundraising Banquet to be held at The Pines, 110 E. Lakeview Rd.
in Stillwater. Registration begins at 6:30 pm and the banquet starts at 7 pm.
Come enjoy a meal and hear what God is doing through Asia International Mission to help the
children of India. We will have a presentation of the latest trip to Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Kolkata.
Hope to see you there!
Prayer Requests
Pray for a great revival to spread across India and around the world.
Pray for financial support to conduct medical camps in villages for poor.
As we attend our next board meeting, pray that God would lead us in how we partner with new ministries.
Population: 1,454,000
World Popl: 1,454,000
Main Language: Telugu
Main Religion: Hinduism
Bible: Complete
Status: Least-Reached
Christ-Followers: Few, less than 2%
Kolkata (Calcutta), with it's population of 4.5 million, is recognized as one of the most poverty stricken cities on earth. It's difficult to come by exact figures, but estimates of the number of poor who are homeless and living on the streets is about two million. In some areas the homeless outnumber those living in homes--although "home" many times means nothing more than a shack or tent made of anything from cardboard and tin, to a tarp strung between four poles with some palm branches for walls. Also, there are an estimated 100,000 child laborers in Kolkata alone.
The constant din of cars and trucks blowing their horns, as well as the noise from the continual construction, makes the foul odor of all the stuff on the side of the streets and in any body of standing water, all the more overwhelming to the thousands who are trapped, living on the streets of Kolkata.
Living in the middle of all this in inescapable circumstances are many thousands of people who belong to a group known as "untouchables." The caste system mandates a hereditary social class which restricts education, employment opportunities, profession, property ownership, and every other aspect of life to these born "untouchable."
Living in such extreme poverty can, understandably, lead to a sense of hopelessness and despair. Next year, we plan to begin leading short-term volunteer teams to Kolkata, and I would like to challenge those of you with a servant's heart to make plans to help the suffering children of this city. Your time and talents are greatly needed to help the children, to sing songs with them, to show them someone cares, and most importantly, to love them to Jesus.
If you cannot go yourself, I challenge you to support AIM with your prayers and giving. Perhaps the Lord is laying on your heart these precious souls as they are trapped in the hopelessness and despair of Kolkata.
If you feel God is leading you to give financially to this ministry, click here to Donate Now.
If you are going to be in Oklahoma on August 4th, 2012, be sure to plan to attend this
years "Jewels of India" Fundraising Banquet to be held at The Pines, 110 E. Lakeview Rd.
in Stillwater. Registration begins at 6:30 pm and the banquet starts at 7 pm.
Come enjoy a meal and hear what God is doing through Asia International Mission to help the
children of India. We will have a presentation of the latest trip to Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Kolkata.
Hope to see you there!
Prayer Requests
Pray for a great revival to spread across India and around the world.
Pray for financial support to conduct medical camps in villages for poor.
As we attend our next board meeting, pray that God would lead us in how we partner with new ministries.
Pray for
increase in the annual giving and commitments for this upcoming year.
Pray for the Unreached Balija, Hindu of India
World Popl: 1,454,000
Main Language: Telugu
Main Religion: Hinduism
Bible: Complete
Status: Least-Reached
Christ-Followers: Few, less than 2%
Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated
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