In India,
each pestering mosquito bite carries the risk of fatal disease. We often think of mosquito bites as annoyances that
scratch and itch, but in India
each pestering bite carries the risk of fatal disease.
Mosquitoes carry such diseases as malaria, yellow fever,
dengue and viral fevers. Malaria is the ninth most significant cause of death
and disability, globally. Ninety percent of malaria deaths around the world are
children, with malnourished children under the age of five being highly
susceptible, as their bodies have not built up immunities to it. Pregnant women
and their unborn children are also at high risk, as the infection is passed
intrauterine from mother to child.
Please help us begin a new medical ministry to the villages of India by donating for the purchase of a mobile medical van, and the medications to provide free medical care and bring the love of Christ to the poor and downtrodden of India.
To donate online click:
Asia International Mission
Po Box 1597
Stillwater, OK 74076
Thank you for your heartfelt generosity!
"The first purpose of missionary enterprise is evangelistic;
it is easy to rouse enthusiasm along medical, educational and industrial lines,
on the ground that wherever Christianity is made known, social development
follows. This is true, but all these things are secondary. The first aim of
missionary enterprise is the spiritual evangelization of the people."
Oswald Chambers
Prayer Requests
Please pray for God’s victory and
destiny for the 70% of the world-wide body that is suffering persecution.
Pray to the Lord of the harvest,
that He might send more laborers onto His harvest fields.
Pray for a harvest of salvation in every land, that the lost millions will
hear the name of Jesus and believe in Him.
Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated
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