What do you believe? This is a common question asked of Christian organizations and is generally expressed through a Statement of Faith. By this, we try to identify who we are. My concern for Asia International Mission is that our Statement of Faith not be about identification, but about incarnation.
A.W. Tozer wrote, "A doctrine has practical value only as far as it is prominent in our thoughts and makes a difference in our lives...our formal creed is sound; the breakdown is in our working creed." The fact is, if belief doesn't move from faith to vibrant life, then we have a formal creed with no substance.
AIM has a longstanding belief in the present and personal ministry of the Holy Spirit, purifying and enabling Christians to live holy lives. But, what good is it if we can't live it? Working within the framework of scriptural holiness, AIM believes in the tremendous potential there is in Jesus Christ and in what grace can do once we fully cooperate.
The Holy Spirit is not called "Holy Spirit" just to distinguish Him from the Father and the Son, because each one of the Trinity is Holy, but to describe what He does in us. The big question is, "Can God do something in us so we can reflect His glory?" Our belief is a resounding, "Yes, He can!" John wrote that, "If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." (1John 1:6,7)
The doctrine and message of holiness is that, if we walk in the light, with full face toward God instead of self, with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, we can again reflect His glory!
This we believe! This we proclaim!

A.W. Tozer wrote, "A doctrine has practical value only as far as it is prominent in our thoughts and makes a difference in our lives...our formal creed is sound; the breakdown is in our working creed." The fact is, if belief doesn't move from faith to vibrant life, then we have a formal creed with no substance.
AIM has a longstanding belief in the present and personal ministry of the Holy Spirit, purifying and enabling Christians to live holy lives. But, what good is it if we can't live it? Working within the framework of scriptural holiness, AIM believes in the tremendous potential there is in Jesus Christ and in what grace can do once we fully cooperate.
The Holy Spirit is not called "Holy Spirit" just to distinguish Him from the Father and the Son, because each one of the Trinity is Holy, but to describe what He does in us. The big question is, "Can God do something in us so we can reflect His glory?" Our belief is a resounding, "Yes, He can!" John wrote that, "If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." (1John 1:6,7)
The doctrine and message of holiness is that, if we walk in the light, with full face toward God instead of self, with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, we can again reflect His glory!
This we believe! This we proclaim!
Multiply Your Impact
Whether you're interested in more seeing more Bibles distributed, more
evangelistic village meetings, more clean water for the thirsty, or more care for orphans, we can
help you maximize the resources that God has entrusted to you. With AIM, your opportunity
for giving will multiply the impact; and you can do more for the Kingdom than
you ever dreamed possible. If you have more and want to do more with everything
you've been given, we can help. If you would like to give a special gift this year toward any of the above projects please click Here.
Prayer Requests
Pray that there will be more openings for ministry especially during the
Christmas season.
Pray that you will be enabled to share the Good News with those in your
area of influence today.
that many will be ushered into God’s Kingdom as they listen to the message during
this season throughout the world.
Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated
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