Sitting to write this article, I am thinking of the last year gone by, and the struggle to adjust to life as a double amputee. As I make new adjustments each week, I am reminded daily, of God’s grace and mercy for each of us. It is overwhelming to consider how God has lavished His love upon us to redeem us from ourselves and this world.
While wrestling through the steps to live in this new world I have entered, I’m learning a great deal about this
faith journey we are walking. The long hours that turned into days of waiting for each step to be completed became a task in itself. The waiting is not an easy thing in light of our American “fast food” mindset. The waiting becomes a challenge to endure and to understand which pushes the most patient person to his limits.
It is at the end of our limits that we find our faith and our trust in Him! It is this place where we need to live. We each need to remain at the end of ourselves and in the middle of His provision. Yet, we find ourselves frequently struggling to make it on our own. We find ourselves wrestling with our circumstances or our situations in an effort to “make it work.”
In our efforts to make sense of our situation, we are missing what God has placed right in front of us! As I wait for healing so I might have new legs and a chance to walk again, I realized (again) that this walk I’m on is about the journey.
The Father has me in this spot for what is right in front of me. I am where I am to do what I can for the people right in front of me! Where are you today? You see, we find ourselves around people all the time and in relationships with people every day. An issue each of us has to deal with is, “Who are these people?” Far too often you and I spend our entire day, or week, or even months in relationships with those around us who have every bit of the hope and provision they need. Where are you today?
When was the last time you found yourself in a conversation with someone in the middle of your journey who does not know the Way? When was the last time you intentionally went to the place you know is full of people who need the truth you carry in your heart?
As we approach the end of this year and the beginning of a new one, I simply want to ask you that same question. Where are you going to be in the days ahead? What are your plans for the journey? Will you intentionally plan to go where the need is great and the people are hungry? Will you step out of the comfort of “home” and seek to be a blessing to those who need what you have? Look around you and see the world in need.
Look around you and see who God has placed in your path. Look around you and see the path He has placed before you and walk in faith. Trust His heart and follow His hand as you walk in obedience to His call to GO!
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5,6)
Ways to Be Involved
There are many ways you can get involved in the Lord’s work in India.
Prayer - Pray for those engaged in the great task of spreading the Good News of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout India.
Financial Support - Support financially any of the specific ministries or projects by Donating designated funds for the appropriate project or in general through AIM to be used in areas where financial support is needed.
Increase Awareness - Build awareness in your local assembly by inviting AIM President Russ Sharrock to come and give a report of the Lord’s work in India. Contact us for available dates Here.
Prayer Requests
Pray that God moves upon the hearts of the people to turn their lives over to Him.
Pray that our efforts to share the message of Jesus in every village will be fruitful.
Pray that God continues to provide the financial support needed in order to continue the work of the ministry.
Pray for the Unreached Arasu of India
Population: 42,000
World Popl: 42,000
Main Language: Kannada
Main Religion: Hinduism
Bible: Complete
Status: Least-Reached
Christ-Followers: Few, less than 2%

"Declare his glory among the nations" (Psalm 96:3)
Pray that our efforts to share the message of Jesus in every village will be fruitful.
Pray that God continues to provide the financial support needed in order to continue the work of the ministry.
Pray for the Unreached Arasu of India
Population: 42,000
World Popl: 42,000
Main Language: Kannada
Main Religion: Hinduism
Bible: Complete
Status: Least-Reached
Christ-Followers: Few, less than 2%
"Declare his glory among the nations" (Psalm 96:3)
Asia International Mission is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry.
All gifts are tax-deductible and 100% of donations are used as designated.
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